TWO DEFINITIONAL FRAMES FOR THE OFFICIALLY TERMED “COVID-19 PANDEMIC”: I.Natural Virus Causation II.Conspiratorial Human Causation
No Fence Sitting—Time to Take Your Stand One Side or the Other. Ask point blank all in the “Health and Freedom” group such as Mattias Desmet and Robert Malone to publicly declare where they stand.
“In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined.” Thomas Szasz
“If you wish to converse with me, define your terms.” Voltaire
I.Natural Virus Causation: the Covid-19 Pandemic was Caused and Progressed by a Natural Virus
The “Covid-19 Pandemic” was caused by the “SARS-CoV-2 virus”. The W.H.O. and Governments worldwide declared there was a global, natural, virus outbreak of great and grave danger (along the lines of the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu) that had begun in December 2019 (CDC) which resulted in the various global events listed below.
II.Conspiratorial Human Causation: the Covid-19 Pandemic was Caused and Carried Out by a Small Group of Powerful Persons
A small, global group of wealthy, powerful persons in governments, private enterprise and Non-governmental organizations, conspired for years to plan to use specific means to intentionally attain certain ends, and then executed those plans which resulted in the various global events listed below.
1. The global spread of one or more pathogens (natural viral or manmade biologic or chemical weapons or combinations) by air and/or skin contact transmission.
2. The justification and legitimation of coercively imposing severe controls on human behavior such as social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining, virus testing, business and institutional closures, etc.—to save injuries and deaths (e.g., “Flatten the Curve”).
3. The creation of computer models with intended outcomes and the falsifying and/or conflating (dying with not from Covid-19; combining flu, pneumonia, etc. as Covid-19) of epidemiological data to make the Covid-19 Pandemic statistics of cases, injuries and deaths much worse than they actually were which gave credence to the various draconian rules and regulations.
4. Worldwide various levels of government within the central governments as well as the central governments implemented draconian “Executive Orders” without any voting involved; also legislative bodies quickly proposed and passed new draconian “Laws” usually not reported to the public.
5. The use of brutal police tactics including such events as strangling a woman who was not wearing a mask; arresting a pregnant mother for posting a protest message; etc. Also the use of imported police to replace local units to enforce brutal measures local units would be less likely to enforce.
6. Worldwide all government and NGO disease control agencies such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and W.H.O. were approximately following the same rules and regulations and coercively enforcing them. Also, changes were constantly made by these bodies of the rules and regulations, redefining long held meanings of concepts such as herd immunity, vaccinations, etc. as well as erasing earlier information that exposed their duplicity.
7. The mandating and/or physical enforcement of PCR tests at cycle level thresholds that guaranteed false findings both negative and positive.
8. The mandating and/or physical enforcement of:
A. Vaccines (gene altering injections) including ongoing “boosters” that compromise and/or destroy the natural immune system, cause circulation and heart injuries, neurological and other diseases, severe enough to cause death; giving the manufacturers of the vaccines total immunity from legal liability; passing the vaccines under emergency conditions thereby not requiring traditional extensive and prolonged testing; hiding vaccine trial damning results requiring Freedom Of Information Act lawsuits to get the data; not supporting the vaccine injury and death collecting agencies such as VAERS as well as manipulating and erasing data or making it difficult to access; forbidding autopsies to verify vaccine injuries and deaths.
B. Public-private health-clinic-hospital protocols and rules:
1) Forbidding certain medicines/vitamins (e.g., Ivermectin, Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin D) and requiring certain others (e.g., Remdesivir);
2) Stopping significant others from accompanying their sick ones from attending to them in hospitals;
3) Forcing Do Not Resuscitate Orders and administering drugs that caused early deaths (such as Midazolam).
4) Putting sick persons on ventilators knowing they did not work and might kill them.
5) Paying huge sums to hospitals to enact the Covid-19 death policies.
6) Keeping regular clinic and hospital admissions forbidden or tightly throttled thereby increasing the deaths of those unable to get treatments.
7) Forbidding early preventative treatment and waiting until the persons were so sick they had to come in as emergency cases.
C. Health officials, administrators, medical staff (doctors, nurses, orderlies, etc.) all directed from above to adhere to certain protocols and rules or face penalties including loss of jobs, criminal action taken against them, etc.
9. The coordination and control of all government and private enterprise media to establish and follow an official “Narrative” portraying Covid-19 as I.Natural Virus Causation with a continuous and ever increasing amount of shock and fear being promulgated to purposefully make persons more obedient.
10. Censoring all news and social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. that went against the official Narrative.
11. The policing of Free Speech with fines and/or imprisonment for infractions.
12. The tie-in of Climate Alarmism to undertake a “controlled demolition” of the food chain producers, shippers and suppliers with the intention of causing worldwide famines.
13. The tie-in of Transgenderism with Covid-19 actions to foment fear and division among the populace.
14. Using the “Divide and Conquer” of the “Two Party” system to foment fear and rage among the populace in general (Trump versus Biden election, etc.).
15. Using the race bait tactic to pit blacks and minorities against whites to further divide and conquer including allowing Black Lives Matter protest marches while not allowing Covid-19 protest marches.
16. Using the Ingroup Versus Outgroup of spotlighting the anti-vaxers and non-mask wearers, etc. and promoting the reporting of those who do not obey the rules to the police and encouraging various other “virtue-signaling” actions.
17. The rapid installation of 5G infrastructure while other construction activities were halted.
18. Various celebrities worldwide recruited to amplify and spread the official Narrative; while the few celebrities who refused to obey and comply were censored and/or marginalized and/or penalized.
19. The preparation for the coming digitalized controlled monetary system and continued controlled demolition of the worldwide economies with huge amounts of printed currencies with a steady inflation making persons unable to afford to live at the standard of living they were used to.
20. The preparation of the populace for “Smart Cities” and the “Internet of Bodies” with biomedical surveillance tied to monetary and travel control.
21. The use of Climate Alarmism to shut down more and more power generation systems using CO2 or atomic power for non-performing and much more expensive alternative power systems like wind and solar which increases power costs beyond what the average businesses or persons can afford making them dependent on the governments for handouts that will even more control them (Universal Basic Income tied to Social Credit enabled by digital surveillance).
22. Ongoing geoengineering to decimate specified areas to add to the fear of the Climate Alarmism and further destroy the food and energy systems.
23. Shutting down small businesses to the point of making the economic conditions such that these small business went bankrupt while leaving open the large suppliers like Costco, etc. and having persons rely on online buying from Amazon, etc.
24. Making it difficult to withdraw cash from banks and to even use cash due to supposed virus transmission; closure of non-banking financial outlets such as local precious metals businesses. Also, the attack on the cryptocurrencies to close them down, e.g., China outlawing them.
25. Vaccine passports and QR codes systems to surveil and control the populace.
26. The Conspiracy group’s establishment of “controlled opposition” figures—fill in your blanks here. But here is a quote from Mattias Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Chapter 8:
“Those plans and visions for the future are not so much “forced” on the population. In many ways, the leaders of the masses—the so-called elite— give the people what they want. When fearful, the population wants a more controlled society: The lockdowns were, for many, a liberation from the unbearable and meaningless routine of working life, the fragmented society was in need of a common enemy, and so on. The “plans” do not precede the developments, as a conspiracy logic likes to suggest. They rather follow them.”
“There are countless other examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as the fact that the definition of pandemic was adjusted shortly before the coronavirus crisis; that the definition of herd immunity was changed during the crisis, implying that only vaccines can achieve it; that the counting method for COVID-19 deaths was adjusted by the WHO so it was higher than the number of flu deaths; that the registration methodology of vaccine side effects could not but lead to serious underestimation (for example, by labeling the side effects that become apparent during the first fortnight after vaccination as not vaccine related); that all key political positions when the crisis started were held by politicians who were pro-technocracy (referred to as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders); and so on.
These, too, are examples of how an ideology gets a grip on society rather than evidence of the execution of a conspiracy. For instance: Similar things happen during almost all major reorganizations in large companies and government institutions. Indeed, anyone who would like to reorganize a company or institution and holds the right position(s) will try to adjust the rules here and there in ways that they think are conducive to the goals of the reorganization.”
"He who is unaware of his ignorance, will only be misled by his knowledge." Richard Whately
Sapere Aude! Dare to be wise and think for yourself.
CALL FOR HELP FROM SUB(&META:)STACKERS—feel free to add more to my list, correct any errors, send suggestions to make this article better, thanks.
This is an excellent post. The list is very comprehensive (and persuasive) as are your selected quotes and excepts of Desmet's book, which to my mind, should be alarming to all of us.
I will share. Thank you much.
wow, great excerpt suss-out from Desmet's book........... very telling, indeed............