This is an excellent post. The list is very comprehensive (and persuasive) as are your selected quotes and excepts of Desmet's book, which to my mind, should be alarming to all of us.

I will share. Thank you much.


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wow, great excerpt suss-out from Desmet's book........... very telling, indeed............

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Wow...that list packs a powerful punch !

Read it over three times to be sure you had it all haha

Everything that matters is there.... all set out so perfectly. Excellent for passing along to those who could use a particularly jarring awakening, who may have wanted to forget and just get on with it.

No, we will not be forgetting...

Well done Responsibly Jack !

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I agree it's a take over bid by the elites but I don't think there was even a virus or a new disease- 'natural' or lab leak at all- the whole thing was smoke and mirrors https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing


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g&d, thanks for response. My intention here is not to debate Viruses Vs No Viruses but just to get the Freedom & Health movement/community to step out of the closet in terms of Manmade Criminal Conspiracy or Natural Virus/Disease. This to me is a most important definitional declaration that is needed. Malone and Desmet being two key players who waffle on this but essentially do NOT believe it is a Conspiracy. Agree?

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Hiya thank you EVJ,

Malone and Desment certainly waffle on and have positioned themselves well; they are making careers and money out of all this, Malone directly from promoting Pharma drugs and vaccines https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-healthy-future-does-not-lie-with

Yes, I can see that the 'is it deliberate lies' is important. but for me that biggest deliberate lie is that there are scary viruses that they can use at will to bring the world, people's careers and lives to their knees and cause the elderly to die alone, to murder people with AZT, remdesivir etc making record breaking profits for pharma.


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My intention is to get the Freedom and Health movement to out all its members to declare either it is a Manmade Conspiracy or a Natural Virus, period. Note that Desmet and Malone, continue to dither and dance on this topic and largely evade and avoid it; however, at least for Desmet, in his book, he does not, so far as I have read, state there is not a Natural Virus causing the Covid-19 Pandemic, but he DOES state there are NO CONSPIRATORIAL ELITES to blame for the Covid-19 Pandemic. And that should tell those of us truly concerned with responsible freedom, Desmet and Malone, are not really on our side. Stay safe and free.

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This is a very comprehensive list, capturing so much, but I'm somewhat confused by the demand. You want those public figures -- all of them -- to declare where they stand on the statements you have put forth? Also, are I and II either/or?

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