Jack Carney hey! Any relation to Mark Carney of Canada 2020?

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Hey Cheerio! any relation to Cheerios that chock full of sugar cereal with holes in the middle? But to answer you: I am against all governments and government central banks unlike the Trio of Tyranny Lovers.

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DeCentralized banks - National Credit Banks is a LaRouche - Glass Steagall - American Systems banking... preferable...

Personally I'd love to be less consumer driven and resource depleting and direct energies more like a credit system but instead in reciprocal credit with balance in our Natural World, this is our biggest resource to beholden.

So the hole in my question is your answer ...

Cheerio :0

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I do not think individuals or collectives of individuals such as governments have the moral right to use first physical force to make others obey. If you want to be "less consumer driven and resource depleting" fine go ahead, but do everything voluntarily. I too am against central banks that are immoral because established by immoral governments.

So what is the point of your original comment? It seems we agree that we are against central banks.

My article you commented on is about exposing Usefulf Idiots upholding communist dictatorships like Matt Ehret.

Do you agree with me that the CCP, Mao through Xi, has committed, and continues to commit, Crimes Against Humanity? And Ehret in not only condoning such criminality, aids and abets it by always praising the CCP?

Therefore, Ehret should be criticized for his support of Democide and be ostrasized from the Freedom Community if he does not change.


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I fully believe that you haven't gone deep enough into Matt and Cynthia's work to be such an arrogant judge of their work quite frankly.

I'm at arms length with BRICS+++ and of the possibilities that the Schiller Institute supports BRICS+++ as a possibility for a revisit of the Westphalian Treaty type sovereign nations stand to all benefit by being good neighbors.

I think you will find many readers lose interest in your proposed arguments against Matt and Cynthia - are you giving your readers an either or? Are you telling people how to think? What's going on with you? There are MUCH better ways to act in support of your endeavors by means of example and actionable steps that don't make people 'choose a view that aligns with yours' is what I'm hearing - defunct is what I call that... and I will say after studying these past 5 years with Matt and Cynthia and the CDN Patriots I will say, that I regrettably not condone this as an action of 'libertaryianism' - have you clearly defined that yet btw and know the roots of 'libertarian' is British and Cecil Rhodes? Gnaw on this, your research doesn't touch a spark on the levels that Matt and Cynthia have exposed on the good bad and ugly of communism, Confucianism, and Christian leaders of China - oh you know about Sun Yet-Sen and his Christian-Confucian philosophy? And about his desire to release the ties with British overlording in their trade bargains - leading into the Opium shenanigans to make the country weak and non-contestable?

No, if you want to favor this idealism of 'yours' you may have a better chance at it if you stepped into the arena of acting to your 'highest standards' and no one with high standards points fingers at others and say "they are 100% wrong and bad and you need to walk with me now" other than a Brit aligned infiltrator - you know the kind that created by Paolo Sarpi and Cecil Rhodes...

Peace is the path of least resistance.

You still haven't yet answered my question - who's Jack Carney and what's his relationship to Mark Carney the Brit Bankster that's moved into Canadian turf to push on the SDG's and take over Trudeau's role to be the UN-CANADA Goal post?

My angle is to keep educating rather than attempting mind control... sounds to similar to that which we no longer wish for this world.

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