I AM REPLYING HERE TO "BIRD BRAIN"'s comment below that I think adds to my argument of holding Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung and Jeff Brown as Aiders and Abetter of the CCP's PROVEN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Here is his comment:

"Personally, I'd need more context on the quotes from the book to feel confident that Ehret and Chung are communist sympathizers, so to speak, rather than researchers exposing falsified in a narrative about China we're being fed.

Documentaries "exposing" various aspects of China's crimes aren't proof of anything, any more than the history books we studied in school are proof of a certain version of the past. Dominant narratives, like those in the documentaries, are most often false, as they are part of how lies are entrenched into a society.

Until we understand the big picture surrounding a religious group whose suffering is widely promoted in the mainstream, we cannot know the truth. The mainstream promotes that which serves the agenda. And the current agenda includes instilling the narrative that China is the new boogeyman, the Russia of today.

The couple in question may indeed be who you believe them to be. But what you've written and the examples you've cited - two quotes from only one source, I might add - most certainly aren't enough evidence to convict them."


Hi BB, to respond to your two points:

1.The quotes from Ehret’s and Chung’s book

2.Object evidence for my claims of the Crimes Against Humanity committed by the CCP Mao to Xi

1.About the quotes in my post here are those quotes plus new ones and my comments:

From the book by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung Breaking Free Of The Anti-China Psyops

“While western narrative shapers across both left and right media platforms pummel us with images of SUPPOSED slave labor plantations, genocide and re-education facilities in Xinjiang and Tibet, THE TRUTH IS SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT. Thus, as you see with all of these NED funded revolutions, THE PEOPLE ARE NEVER ACTUALLY PROTESTING SOMETHING THAT WILL HARM THEIR FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY, BUT RATHER THE VERY OPPOSITE. THEY HAVE BEEN FOOLED INTO PROTESTING SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY TO THEIR BENEFIT. They are played by the prejudice that has been fueled by foreign agents in their education system, media and government, to hate and remain distrustful of WHAT IS ACTUALLY A BETTER OUTCOME FOR THEM.”

Here is from the Ehret/Chung book Breaking Free Of The Anti-China Psyops on religions and the Falun Gong in China:


“Whether we are looking at religious sects masquerading as Christian or Muslim fronts, or scientology-esque FALUN GONG CULTS run by nutty exiled messianic characters like Li Hongzhi... XI JINPING HAS SOME MESSY PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH BOTH WITHIN CHINA AND ABROAD.

“Li Hongzhi’s [Falun Gong leader] continuing role as an influence shaper tied to the worst elements of China’s exiled community should LEAD ANY RATIONAL PERSON TO UNDERSTAND WHY CHINA HAS TAKEN THE POSITION IT HAS ON CULTS LIKE FALUN GONG AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS MORE BROADLY.” [Caps my emphasis]

Here is another I did not put in this article


James Corbett long ago along with others like Edward Slavsquat have both posted much evidence showing the CCP is a Technocracy set up by the West Predators which the “multi-polar” blinked Ehrets and Chungs conveniently avoid confronting.

And from their book on the CCP’s tyrannical “Zero Covid” policy

“China is NOT forcing vaccines on their people while we here in the free west are making life unlivable if you don't get the jab.”

Note, the Caps is their emphasis! Do you know what the CCP did to its people with its draconian lockdowns, testing, forced abductions to quarantine camps, locking persons inside their homes and welding doors shut—e.g., the Urumqi fire, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ürümqi_fire and the White/Blank Paper protests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blank_paper_protest

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/thousands-in-china-protest-zero-covid-policy-in-largest-demonstrations-in-decades ?!

And you will find only two references in their book to the two CCP horrors of Mao, the Great Famine (p.68) and the Cultural Revolution (p.64). The Great Famine is mentioned in passing with nothing negative noted; the Cultural revolution has this:

“WHILE CHINA HAS GONE FAR TO HEAL THE SPIRITUAL WOUNDS CAUSED BY THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION which turned an armada of youth into radical red guards antagonistic to all deeper Confucian traditions under a cultural great reset, it is important to remain awake to lurking dangers even now since the minds and souls of the youth are still the primary battlefield on which humanity’s destiny is being fought.” (my Caps)


If these quotes do not validate my claim that Ehret and Chung are aiding and abetting the Crimes Against Humanity by the CCP, then go and read their entire sanctioning of evil creed yourself as you will find page after page of them whitewashing and denying any freedom movements from Tiananmen to today’s Hong Kong as U.S. government plots and ploys and never mentioning Mao’s democide of 60 to 80 millions or Xi’s current democide of the Uyghurs and Falun Gong except as faux, CIA staged, non-organic False Flags, etc.

In addition to their book in my Substack Museum of Crimes (see below) I give you the transcript of the 2+hour YouTube interview by Ehret and Chung of their fellow Useful Idiot Jeff Brown


Listen/read for yourself how they all believe the CCP can do no wrong and is the freest country in the world.

2.Evidence for my claims of the Crimes Against Humanity committed by the CCP Mao to Xi.

Have you actually viewed my Substack where I have collected and curated the evidence to back my claims (and which I will continue to add to and rearrange)? Your claim

MUSEUM OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BY THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY (CCP) MAO TO XI--Holding Ideologues Aiding and Abetting the CCP Morally Accountable. Nov 16, 2024


If you did then you cannot claim that there is not enough proof of “China’s crimes”. This is not a matter of rewriting history as Ehret, Chung and the CCP are doing by trying to paper over 80 million + and counting day by day increasing number of corpses they have democided; and by memory holing and imprisoning anyone who publicly publishes on forbidden topics like Tiananmen and the Hong Kong protests.

Check out the links in my post for yourself and see the overwhelming, objective evidence for the CCP’s Crimes Against Humanity from a very wide range of acknowledged scholars such as Frank Dikotter and R.J. Rummel.

Your claim that the West’s mainstream narrative portraying China as the new Cold War enemy and thus bracketing all the detailed, objective, horrific evidence I put before your eyes as U.S. government propaganda is near to disingenuity and moral negligence. This is one of the non-arguments Ehret and Chung use.

I am aware of the disagreement among CCP scholars but when you look at the “big picture” and go to the evidence for the horror details of the innocent individuals tortured and murdered in the name of an Idea then I consider you and everyone who questions all sides in the ideological mind wars must conclude as I and many scholars do that the CCP HAS COMMITTED MASSIVE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND CONTINUES TO WITH THE UYGHURS, FALUN GONG & DISSIDENTS and Ehret and Chung should be held morally culpable as the aiders and abettors of the Criminal CCP they are.

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Hi Jack, thank you for this post.

I have long been suspicious of Cynthia and Matthew but I had not done the deep dives and investigations to understand why my suspicions were tingling, but you bought the receipts and they are indeed very, very clear.

Dam, its hard to find anyone that is not working for the cabal, and when we do, it is inevitable that they are sidelined in the discussion. All the genuine fighters and those seeking the truth, that I have identified across the world are censored, shadow banned, or cancelled. Or railroaded into a platform like Susbstack, which while good for some, is really just a digital canyon to corral the freedom fighters.

Regardless, everyone that fights back and provides accurate insights to the real motivations and the evil bastards attacking us all, helps to keep a wall of defense building.

So stay the course Jack.


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Hi Ivan

Thanks for your encouragement.

My challenge is to alert and then convince the alternative freedom media that have had on Ehret and Chung for the right reasons of what they are AGAINST: City of London, NWO; that they now must recognize what Ehret and Chung are FOR: the democidal Chinese Communist Party.

I want these freedom shows who I know have been AGAINST the CCP to at the very least criticize Ehret and Chung for not only not being AGAINST the CCP but being completely FOR the CCP.

It is for me incredible that Ehret and Chung can help the CCP literally get away with murder and not be held morally accountable. I intend to get the freedom community to actually read what they have written and said about the CCP and how they have denied the overwhelming evidence of the imprisonment of million of Uyghurs, Falun Gong and various dissidents including torture to murder within China and transnational aggression outside that sum to massive Crimes Against Humanity.

Persons who genuinely value freedom cannot permit the Ehrets and Chungs of the world to go uncriticized. I want them ostrasized and black listed if they do not recant their support for the CCP.

I appreciate any comments you can give me on this issue, thanks.

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Hi Jack,

First comment, is this article that I flied on Del Bigtree-track - it was reporting that Dr. Mike Yeadon had come to the conclusion that they are a Limited Hangout - giving some of the truth, but not all of it, and certainly not attacking the top of the cabal.


Dr. Mike Yeadon discovers Del Bigtree’s Highwire and other prominent “vaccine skeptics” are limited hangouts

Del will “increase confidence in mandated vaccines,” and RFK Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone will tell you when some shots are safe to mandate, say experts (Updated 9/17/24)

James Hill, MD---Sep 15, 2024

Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon replied to a comment by Sage Hana on a Conspiracy Sarah post:

"Depressing. I was interviewed twice for Highwire before I realised that they’re limited hangouts. All the leading “freedom fighters” are."

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While I think you are right about our communist Canadians, the ugly truth about the so called Freedom Media, is that a lot of it has been created by the very Evil we fight, everywhere I look I see the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION of the Empire of Evil.

Dr. Vernon Coleman, who has almost ceased to exist on the Internet, pointed out that anyone in the 'freedom community' that has built up a large audience, is and must be controlled opposition by definition. The cabal completely controls the Internet, in the western nations, around the world, and inside China and all communist countries. It is the analogue world that we are most effectively able to fight back. And here in Substack anyone that is genuinely fighting for the absolute truth, which is what serves mankind best, is still being brutally ring fenced, because as Elon Musk put it 'Freedom of Speech doesn't mean Freedom of Reach' - meaning that their algorithms on all platforms use AI to track and censor those who oppose the Evil we fight.

That brings me to my next point. You are strongly against communism. As am I. But who are the true, and the most powerful, communists?

It is not China.

How much have you read up on the history of Communism? Or Nazism for that matter. Have you seen the documentary Everything is a Rich Man's Trick? (Link below) - If not, then it is a good starting point to understanding the true power that rules the world - which I call the Zion Imperial Empire, because Zionism is the project of a one world dictatorship, which began in the ancient Sumerian Empire, and has jumped all through history as it jumped empires, and rebranded itself - think Babylon, Persia, Roman Republic, Israel, Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church, the British Empire, and the Anglo-American Empire, to name but a few.

And the Zion Imperial Empire is everywhere at all times, because it is wrapped up in the Zionism religions - which are - Zoroastrianism Judaism, Christianity, Brahmanism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam etc. All of them are promoting the one world dictatorship by calling it the "kingship of God" or the "kingship of Christ" - or the "kingship of Yahweh" - it's all the same king, which is called a god, which is Yahweh. But who is Yahweh?

The question of who is Yahweh, is a deep rabbit hole. But the short answer is that when the Sumerian Empire rose up in what is now Iraq, it was a totalitarian Crown Monarchy Imperialism rule that saw itself as the sole rulers of Earth, and this was based on their god-king Enlil, who according to the Sumerian texts, was the king of Earth before the Great Flood, granted to him by his Father king Anu (another king worshiped as a god in the Sumerian culture-and the 8 pointed star we see everywhere is his signature, which is the signature of the right to kingship and therefore rule). Yahweh's problem was the free men and free women, that the Great Flood was meant to genocide, but the survivors rose up post flood and repopulated the Earth, and fought against the evil of the slavery system of the Crown Monarchy.

According to the Sumerian texts, king Anu, king Enlil (the ruler of Earth), and his brother, another king of earth who shared power, king Enki, (which is represented by the double headed eagle with 2 crowns on the eagles heads, linking to the top crown, which is the crown of their father king Anu) - these kings were a super-race, which the Hebrew Bible tells us were the Elohim-which means 'powerful ones' - and they had an ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY, and they used that technology to rule the earth and rule mankind as slaves.

There is a lot more to say, but I will conclude here with the comment that all of the Zionism religions take their stories and myths, and their doctrines and dogmas from the history of the Annunaki, as written down in the Sumerian texts, and were encoded into the Hebrews Bible, which is a history of the ancient powerful ones, and a manual to wage war on free men and free women and to enslave everyone under the one world dictatorship of the Crown Monarchy, and that is the political project of Zionism, and has been for several thousand years.

It is the source of all evil.

They inverted evil. The evil that seeks to enslave everyone under this claim that they have the right to rule, deems all those who join their team as "righteous" and all those that are outside their team (think of the Jewish designation of non-Jews as Goyim or the Catholics designation of those who refuse to submit to Rome as heretics, and Islam has the same attitude) - and the "righteous" therefore have the right to go out and wage war on the rest of mankind and slaughter them, as our religious zealots have been doing for the last 3,000 years.

I will leave you with some thoughts on communism to follow up. \Communism, like Nazism, was created by the elites of the same Zion Imperial Cult (think monarchies bankers and billionaires who are all still in existence today, and monarchies includes the Vatican) -

Communism is in fact the Crown Monarchy Imperialism rebranded using the RELIGION of ATHEISM - Atheism is the religion of believing there is no god, and that allows the psychopaths to rule in plain sight by using 'Might is Right' the essential tool of the absolute totalitarian power of the Crown Monarchy Imperialism. The communists were all given a central bank just before or just after they flipped communist. And control over the banking and monetary system with the MONEY MONOPOLY is the PRIME WEALTH EXTRACTION tool of the Zion Imperial Cult going all the way back to Babylon, where it was invented.

The communists are all on the same team as the elites of the western nations, they are colonies of the Zion Imperial Empire, or as some call them the hidden Roman Empire 2.0 - and you see it in all the symbols that the communists use - they are the ancient symbols used by Rome and all Crown Empires back to the Sumerian Empire, jump the flood, and you see that ALL THE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS come from the ancient ANNUNAKI KINGS, as we see CARVED INTO STONE around the world, particularly in Mesopotamia, which is why they keep trying to destroy all evidence of the ancient civilizations.

As I said, all roads lead to Zion.

Another great point to understand how the elites of the 5 great nations, America, Britain, China, France, and Russia are really all on the same team is the United Nations Security Council, created in the 1944 Great Reset called the Bretton Woods Conference, but the real name was the "United Nations Financial and Monetary Conference" - ergo, a Great Reset.

It created the swamp of international neo-Monarchies, for that is what they are, the international institutions to control the policies and force them down with Top Down Tyranny.

These 5 nations are the joint dictatorship over the United Nations through the Security Council - they are the 5 permanent members who all hold VETO POWER over 193 nations in the world in the General Assembly. It's a communist style politburo and dictatorship. They set it up that way.

When Colonel Gaddaffi railed against this dicatorship in 2009 in a 90 minute UN speech, which is well worth watching, they targeted him for elimination, went to war, executed him and turned Libya into the shit-hole it is today.

His main crime, running his own central bank and helping his citizens be prosperous with debt free, interest free money, which he wanted to spread to the rest of Africa. And would have denied the Zionist International Money Cartel their monopoly on wealth extraction through the International Monetary System.

Zionism is the Crown Monarchy Imperialism. Zionism is Communism. Democracy is an illusion. We live in nations controlled by the Zion Imperial Empire and all its corrupt elements. We are all slaves to the bankers. All money today is debt plus interest. The central banks, e.g. the Federal Reserve, are literally Monetary Monarchies, they are above nations, don't answer to governments, and are owned by the richest banks in the world, which in turn are owned by the Zion Imperial Cult - the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, whose bloodlines go back to Zion, and have been around for the last 3,000 years waging war on mankind.

The true evil is Zionism in all its shapes and forms.

I'll leave it here, as I have given you a lot already.

Keep fighting Jack.


Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick - Full Documentary – JFK to 9/11


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Thanks, Ivan I will keep on with my “Informed Dissent” towards a Voluntaryist, peaceful earth .

Yes, I am fairly well read on Communism in most of its versions in Russia, Cuba, China et al. And yes, I have also studied Zionism and know the interplay between Zionism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Wall Street’s (Antony Suttom) and Technocracy’s (Patrick Wood) involvement.

The most upstream source of all evil is what I urge all to focus on: Parental Abuse And Neglect.

I posted a comment to Mathew Crawford recently on this and have had a number of my Substacks on this theme.

Here is my comment put here for you:

Thanks Mathew for this article on parenting, a main concern of mine as a Voluntaryist working for a peaceful world.

You and I, as do most who wonder what is the cause of human violence especially in families, study mind control and ideologies—from governments through religions to cults. These kinds of studies are important.

However, those collective causes are still “downstream”.

The most upstream you can go—the Fons et origo—of human violence is child abuse and neglect beginning with the Mother.

Indeed that is the title of Lloyd deMause’s (founder of Psychohistory) last book, “The Origin of War in Child Abuse”--here for all of his books to download free www.psychohistory.com

As a Voluntaryist and student of deMause, Attachment Theory, Affective Neuroscience (Jaak Panksepp, see in particular his CARE Brain), and Trauma I consider the only way Homo sapiens sapiens will earn their name and turn into voluntariens voluntariens is through peaceful parenting beginning with mothers.

This is why I teach Parent Effectiveness Training PET that uses neither rewards nor punishments for responsibly free, peaceful parenting.



“The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care. The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children's holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars. The evolution of the psyche is first of all accomplished by removing terrible abuses of children and their resulting developmental distortions, allowing the psyche to produce historical novelty and achieve its own inherent human growth path. Culture evolves through the increase of love and freedom for children. Self-mastery must replace the mastery of others. Global suicide must not continue to be our goal. History is now a race between too slowly improving childrearing and too fast evolving destructive technology. The crucial task of future generations will be to raise loved children who grow up to be peaceful, rather than walking time bombs. Can we afford not to teach parenting? What more important task can we devote our resources to?” Lloyd deMause

Get free, stay free.

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Hi Jack,

Thanks for that - you are on the right path 'informed dissent towards a voluntaryist peaceful earth.'

I greatly appreciate your comments on Llyed deMause, who I have not yet come across, so thanks for the links too. This subject is close to my own heart as my siblings and I had a difficult childhood, and we spent our whole adult lives dealing with it. So the premise that if we raise our children better we get better societies, is dead right.

What's interesting about deMause's quote above is that I think it reflects the history of Patriarchal societies, which I saw only in the last couple of days, replaced matriarchy and the development of MONOTHEISM was based on PATRIARCHY, and destroyed POLYTHEISM, which was based on MATRIARCHY-and so under Matriarchy the line of descendants was based on the mother, and there was no attempt to control women and exert power over them, but all that changed under Patriarchy with the right of descendants, and therefore kingship, being based on the eldest son.

I suspect matriarchal soieties are more peaceful.

On the point of peace - I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way to create peaceful societies and that is to raise all children to be strong in mind, body, and spirit, and to be able to fight and defend themselves, and then their families and loved ones. It is only in societies where the majority of men and women are strong that there is mutual respect and peace will reign. If you look at the western nations immediately after WW2 where we had decades of peaceful, safe societies, I suggest it was because we had a generation of strong men and women who went through the war.

Tough times make tough people. And tough people help keep the peace.

But when society is filled with weak people, then you get fear and cowardice as the ruling consciousness. And that is the environment that breeds bullies, corruption and psychopaths, and then they rule with violence.

All of which points to why the global cabal has been destroying our societies for the last 70 years. Because they can't rule in a society of healthy, intelligent, and strong people.

Regarding this mission for peace. I truly believe that the Zionism based religions are the true source of all the evils of the Crown Monarchy Imperialism rule, which by the way is communism too, because it is just the absolute monarchy system rebranded with the religion of Atheism to allow the psychopaths to rule in the open instead of hiding in the shadows pretending to be our moral good leaders.

As such I think we need a new religion.

In fact the Roman Catholic Church has waged war on all other religions that created strong people - polytheism, and all those religions that refused to bow down before Rome, animism, paganism, the Cathars, the Protestants, indigenous beliefs etc. Rome wiped these groups cultures out, mass murdered many - like the 100 years of war on the French Carthars, or wiping out the Scandanavians and the Celts and the Druids - the list is long.

I have an idea for a new religion - Annudeism, I like to call it.

Anu is the name of the most ancient god on earth, the supreme king of the Annunaki, and Deism was the study of reality.

So combining them we get "the study of god and reality, and the pursuit of truth in all matters."

I am working on a list of 36 commandments that could be used to as a skeleton for building out the philosophy. The idea of the 36 commandments are 36 points of ethics, morals, principles and values, that guide humans to being the best of themselves, in mind, body, and spirit, and living and appreciating our interdependent lives, and contributing in ways that creates abundance, peace, prosperity, and helps all to live in balance with nature etc.

It would be a small book with 36 big ideas, that all intersect, and interlock, to cover the most important things about human life. For each idea it would be a simple statement to be the ethic, moral, principle, and value, and then a short chapter to explain the key points, and derivations of principles from this idea.

Creating strong families and strong children, with good parenting is an essential, or perhaps as you said above the most essential, part of that.

Maybe you could give me your ideas on what we could come up with to support the growth mindset for men and women to follow to create strong families, great parenting, and strong partnerships? I know the Jewish rabbis teach Jews to be strong in mind, body and spirit, and to get married, have children and to take care of their 1. partners; 2. children and 3. parents 'in that order' as I heard one rabbi put it.

Let me know what you think.

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Ivan, I disagree that after WW2 was peaceful, see the 1950s Korean war, 1960s Vietnam war, etc.

I disagree that war makes tough people who keep the peace.

War makes damned and damaged persons who parent damned and damaged, tough and weak persons, which ends up creating more wars.

As Euripides pointed out: “The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.”

To quote deMause:

“Revictimization is actually the central cause of anti-social behavior, and addiction to trauma is at its core. Traumas are therefore restaged as a defense, with the persecutory self as the stage director. Restaging as a defense against dissociated trauma is the crucial flaw in the evolution of the human mind understandable from the viewpoint of the individual as a way of maintaining sanity, but tragic in its effects upon society, since it means that early traumas will be magnified onto the historical stage into war, domination and self-destructive social behavior. And because we also restage by inflicting our childhood terrors upon our children, generation after generation, our addiction to the slaughterbench of history has been relentless.”

And you do not need 36 or even 10 “commandments” to establish a peaceful world, you only need one negative moral rule that does away with all would be rulers:

First use of physical force, except to save a human life, is always immoral and must never be morally sanctioned. Universalize this and all would be peaceful.

Therefore, ALL governments and would be rulers are immoral and should never be morally legitimated, which unfortunately the voluntarily enslaved do.

The mindset for a peaceful humanity is everything should be voluntary, that is, never initiate physical force to control another and that begins with parents.

Statism begins at home.

“Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others.” William Allen White

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Personally, I'd need more context on the quotes from the book to feel confident that Ehret and Chung are communist sympathizers, so to speak, rather than researchers exposing falsified in a narrative about China we're being fed.

Documentaries "exposing" various aspects of China's crimes aren't proof of anything, any more than the history books we studied in school are proof of a certain version of the past. Dominant narratives, like those in the documentaries, are most often false, as they are part of how lies are entrenched into a society.

Until we understand the big picture surrounding a religious group whose suffering is widely promoted in the mainstream, we cannot know the truth. The mainstream promotes that which serves the agenda. And the current agenda includes instilling the narrative that China is the new boogeyman, the Russia of today.

The couple in question may indeed be who you believe them to be. But what you've written and the examples you've cited - two quotes from only one source, I might add - most certainly aren't enough evidence to convict them..

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